

What ways have our culture, city, and you personally been “going through it” in 2020?
Which of these troubles has been most difficult for you?

Can you think of a time in your life where you’ve seen God “carry a good work to completion”?
Or can you think of a situation where you believe this is in process?

What in your life do you feel is being transformed through pressure and hardship right now?
What might be the next step for that area or relationship?

This Week at Soul City

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Hey Soul City!

A quick message for those joining us in person this weekend:

Recently, the CDC shared new guidelines for wearing face masks in public and in indoor settings to promote safety in areas with substantial risks of transmission. Therefore, we are requiring that masks are worn while in the building on Sundays.

We are continuously reviewing the CDC guidelines and what our next steps will be – as your safety remains our priority.

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