Loss of our Fierce Friend Laura, who was my closest friend when we moved to Chicago. We saw how much she suffered and still had such an Amazing Faith. Grateful to have been able to come along side her Husband and Grieve with him.
Loss of our Fierce Friend Laura, who was my closest friend when we moved to Chicago. We saw how much she suffered and still had such an Amazing Faith. Grateful to have been able to come along side her Husband and Grieve with him.
My kids, my husband, my friends, my house and my peace. My sense of belonging to someone and something my fear of not knowing where I belong who I belong to. I am lost , I am hopeless and have not roots. I am praying for this release of pain and sorry. Just ready to be FREE. Lord change ME!!!!!!
My happiness, peace, and trust in others.
Loss of friends who have built walls between us because of politics
Loss of friends who have inexplicably faded away
Loss of the close relationship I used to have my son
Loss of my dad
Loss of our dog a few months ago
Uncle Don ❤️
I am grieving the loss of what I thought life would look like for me, my son, and my family.
My daughter going through feelings of depression,
Loss of family relationships
the declining health of my mom
witnessing a love one struggle
Loss of health in my body - new diagnoses that mean more loss is coming.
Grieving the loss of friends, family.
Miss you Jackie, Alice and Mekhi. Rest in heaven. ✨
Grieving the loss of a relationship that I believed would be part of my future. Grieving the loss of a future that I’m worried may not exist due to my dad’s current illness we just discovered. Grieving over my nephew’s potential future with his beautiful new baby and son, girlfriend because…you know God. Grieving over the absence of my mom and brother during these difficult times. We need them most. That grief is always with me. I miss them both every day.
The loss of my dad
The loss of my best friend to cancer.
Loss of Sunday church community
My relationship
Mom needs heart transplant
Grieving for princess for the loss of her Rudy Subijano
Grieving for Marko for the loss of his mother
The loss of my father
my grandparents from covid
a relationship I really believed in
I’m grieving from my previous self defects and trying to move past that and grow with God.
Lost dream job
I am grieving the loss of my grandpa. He lived a great life, but I miss him.
skin condition
Change - i don’t know where to start or where to go.
Unaffectionate family
I'm grieving a lost of community and dreams.
A relationship ending. Learning to move forward and carry on through the loss.
My finances. I’ve never had more than enough; I’m not where I thought I would be at this season of my life financially.
I’m in debt, not much savings, not many investments.
My brothers turning from God. Losing 3 grandparents in a less than 2 years. Losing dogs.
Loss of family member
Our kids growing up & the change of our family dynamics
Loss of job
The person I used to be.
My grandma
Family — The time away from family that will never close back, ever.
Break up — emotional hurt
A man that I met- I thought he’d end up being the dream man I’ve been looking for but turns out he’s counterfeit. I’m grieving the idea of him, the very brief but deep connection I thought I had with him
Unmet expectations
I am grieving the way my husband and I’d life used to be with our first dog Theo. We got a second dog who is a wonderful addition to our family. But I am grieving the simplicity and the memories we had just the 3 of us.
Where I thought my life would be and the promises I thought he had for me.
The loss of my mother.
The dreams I had for my family
my brother austen passed away when we were little. he won’t be at my wedding this year and that’s just really hard.
My Uncle Don passed away.
We lost 2 lovely kitties last year.
I’m getting older and I grieve the ongoing loss of youth.
Just lost my Job, I am on a h1-b visa and I have one month to find a job or other opportunities.
Leaving my old town and my old friends
Past relationships
My friend Larissa
Loss of pet
The grief of indecision of a relationship. I forgot how much it’s taught me of myself, only possible through the grief that it is. Praise God
My son incarcerated, retired, feeling disconnected from God and my church family, isolated from what God requires of me
Erica Petraitis
- What I thought was my destiny
- My relationship with my father
My grandma without a chance to properly say goodbye.
My flexible life style that I had last year. I am so busy now that now I grieve those freedoms I had.
I’m grieving a stage in my life I could not bring back. Grieving the things I didn’t know then. Grieving the loss of loves ones no longer here.
The death of a friend. Trusting in Jesus during the grief.
Losing someone I love due to circumstances out of my control.
Losing my grandma
Loss of trust and a past that I’m still holding on to instead of moving forward
Loss of a friendship
Loss of Carol Paddock
Loss of mom
Increased physical/emotion distance from me and family and friends back home.
Loss of friendships from previous church community, loss of friend through relationships, marriage, moving away. Grieving though having a difficult time connecting and making new friends, and still being single among my friends.
My health and the loss of time with Soul City high school students. Love you and miss you guys!
Grieving the relationship with my dad. Grieving myself.
The inability to control what city & state I live and the school my son goes to (w/ violence around us), the house I have, my career success I have, the type of marriage I have, my daughters development, my children's faith and my parents situations, etc.
My mom’s health
Loss of my childhood friend Sean
My Dad, my Aunt and Uncle who passed from covid. My career dreams and aspirations, my childhood that was ripped from me because I had to be an adult and take care of myself, years lost in toxic, unsatisfactory relationships.
My mom’s recent passing, coupled with a breakup.
Loss of my marriage, my children, my house. Loss of my communities and identity.
My brother. Grieving what I thought my life would be at this point, if he was still here.
Loss of close friendships.
My mom’s memory loss diagnosis.
our Brady, our Bridget, my job, my career, my freedom, my body, my time, my dreams of dreaming.
I am grieving the end of a marriage and with that I am grieving the fact that I did not provide my kids with a stable father figure in their lives, that I did not choose better. I am grieving my loss of my previous self that was secure and independent, and now having to come into that again and find her again.
the loss of our dad/father in law/papa, Bob Belke, who went to be with Jesus
Wave of grief coming from losing my dad 13 years ago.
Also going through a breakup with the person I thought was my forever.
a traumatic PICU experience with our daughter, Gemma, that ended in full recovery!
dear friends who are moving away this summer
Leaving chicago
Trying to conceive and start a family.
My grandmother is dying.
Change of jobs and relationships
a good relationship with my dad
Job uncertainty
Leaving old job for better opportunity
Grandpa, job being what I thought it was
The loss of the future I thought I would have
The loss of a good friendship
The inability to have children..
The loss of family that used to seemingly be united and then seeing fractures in those relationships.
When i dont see and hug my kids
The health and mortality of my father.
Loss of my faith in God’s power
Lifelong dreams that didn’t turn out how I imagined
The lose of my father
A divorce and loss f my kids. And loss of my communities and my identity.
lost friendships
I’m grieving the timeline/expectations for where I thought I would be in life right now.
Missing my Papi (Father)
This picture speaks volumes to me. My father and I always fought against our fears and learned how to rest in our Father’s Hands 🙌🏼
2022 Loss of Mum
Grieving the loss of my kids growing up and not having the time at home with them that I love
Host Dad - Frank McCoy
A friend who walked away from my life - I don’t know why but it hurt and I have no answers.
Brokenness coming into one of my most important relationships - and betrayal.
The loss of my dear grandmother - it came suddenly.
Loss of friendships. Loss of expectation where I would be in life with a partner.
Not having children yet
My broken marriage
Grieving my idea of what I wanted my career to be right now.
The loss of best friends father
Lifelong dreams that didn’t turn out how I imagined
Medical school career and dream of being a doctor my entire life
Dog Raven of 15 years
Childhood friend
My peace
Beginning to work through losses and grief from childhood for the first time. Recognizing impact of emotional and verbal abuse from parents.
My life not being where I thought it would be at this point in my life.
Being stuck at a job that has taken almost everything out of me.
God released me from a physically, emotionally, and spiritually abusive relationship of 4 years. I am navigating how to allow someone new in, and I have been challenged constantly through the grief process of previous trauma.
Past friendships and relationships as I transition into a new life in Chicago away from my community
The loss of the future I thought I would have
My dad - may his legacy continue forever ❤️
Job uncertainty
A relationship after 5.5 years. It’s been two years since and life has been tough and unpredictable ever since.
The loss of my own self love.
A relationship that no longer exists
The ending of college and graduating and feeling like I missed out on the college experience because of Covid.
Loss of business and clients, investments, death of more than 10 friends, relationships, going broke.
The loss of my self worth, loss of my confidence, loss of my security, loss of recognition of God's promise....the loss of me
My best friend and best man moved away. But he didn’t just move, he largely left my my life. I don’t know why. I hear from him sparingly and it hurts. I wish I understood why.
MaryAnne Kraft
Best mom of all my friends from High School.
Thank you for giving us time with her Lord
Divorce + betrayal
The deterioration of my relationship with my father. One that was so strong and secure before.
I am grieving a bad breakup from the person I thought I would marry. I am still healing from that relationship. I am still hurt, but I know that God has a plan for me. I will continue to be patient. He is so good and so faithful. I will always live by Jeremiah 29:11.
I miss you primo.
Rest in peace
Sebastian Ayala Nevarez
Friendships - my best friend, close friends
Single Life - very happy for my husband, but my life is so different and it’s hard to realize
Family connections - my family has events without me, don’t check on me as much.
Health, self esteem - I’ve been sick lately & don’t look the same
Purpose - figuring out my life goals as they change.
In January 2022, one of my closest online fr8neds attempted suicide. Even though its been a while and they're ok now, in the moment it absolutely broke me not knowing whether they were going to survive.
The loss of loving relationships and dreams I hope to someday achieve but accepting this moment may not be the time.
Grieving a family member
Grieving a past career
a mentor from my childhood chinese school
friendships/relationships from the past
the loss of support and opportunities from the collective that helped my creative career begin
Re-building my relationship with my aunt
Loss of our faith in life, our family and our dreams
our Brady, our Bridget, my job, my career, my freedom, my body, my time, my dreams of dreaming.
The loss of two pregnancies, the loss of Angie and Sylvia my sisters in law
Lost of best friend and family members. Lost of my wife's job.
The loss of my grandma after her 7 year battle with cancer.
What I expected my marriage to look like.
High school ending and having to leave good friends
Feeling lonely. Broke up with my ex girlfriend. Trying to find ways to numb the pain and loneliness.
Grieving the end of college, and leaving a familiar way of life that brought lots of joy.
I’ve had 2 cousins pass away -one @ 40 (in January) one @53 in the past year and a half. It’s been terribly difficult to reconcile but I choose to trust God.
The loss of my two aunts. They both died within three years of one another and were my best friends.
I am grieving the murder of my oldest brother and processing the thought of forgiving his wife for killing him.
I am grieving the murder of my middle brother and processing the thought forgiving his Father-in-law for killing him.
I am grieving the death of my mother and processing the thought of forgiving GOD for not saving her life.
My move to Chicago in 2020 didn't go as planned. I feel robbed of the time to create a new life in this city.
My old life from middle school to high school
My great uncle
My stress
My old friend groups
My loneliness
Relationships, hope, & family
I grieved the loss of what my life could have been. I lost friendships, I lost my college experience, I lost who I was. But you were there and told me “Kayla, you have everything you need.”
My mom has had early onset Alzheimer’s for 2 years and I am grieving the loss of who I knew her as compared to who she is now. It is grief of little things, moments and memories and abilities to connect, but they are up to big things.
Coming to terms with the loss of my childhood and it’s echo in my present.
The loss of my old self. Understanding that I am always growing and changing and it’s ok to let go of her. Change is inevitable, trust in god that he knows what’s best.
Loss of my job
I have had 4 major surgeries between
July 29th and November 15th, 2022. Then a blood clot in December which started me down the road of more testing with an oncologist. This after five long years of trying to figure out what was wrong, I thought the surgeries would be the answer but they brought more questions. Today, I am feeling better and stronger but the road was hard and unexpected. It required much more strength than I had a lot of days.
Community and relationships
Grieving the loss of my dad and grieving where I thought my life would be at this point. I trust God’s faithfulness and promises over my life and I know his perfect will will be done. 🙏🏾
End of an era of being near and constantly around family and lifelong friends
Passing of a friend
The sudden and unexpected loss of my father
I am grieving the end of a marriage and with that I am grieving the fact that I did not provide my kids with a stable father figure in their lives, that I did not choose better. I am grieving my loss of my previous self that was secure and independent, and now having to come into that again and find her again.
Past stress in my relationship; missed expectations for myself; the negative things I've said to myself; time in graduate school; My Aunt Jo; my Grandfather; the hurtful/heavy things I had to do to get what I have now; how I used to view myself.
Long good-byes due to terminal diagnoses from family & friends; health struggles; lots of hard changes in this life stage
Miscarriages and infertility. The loss of a dream
For a family.
My son was a Chicago firefighter and died in the line of duty in December 2021. My family is heartbroken.
The loss of my friends who are going to be going to college soon
Loss of people with terminal illnesses
Sick brother
losing an important and strong friendship and not being as close as I wish to my parents
Big decisions
Losing our papa in only 7 short days
Lack of friendships
Job security and advancement
The loss of a new medical diagnosis and lifestyle change. The loss of being 40 and never married.
My family is going through a tough relocation transition and in the mist of it all I lost my grandmother back home. Loosing her has been a manifestation of my fear of not being around my family back in my home country . I know I should trust God with them, however, I daily carry this heaviness in my heart and my faith waivers lately.
The death of my mother Veronica Stuart who passed away suddenly from pancreatic cancer. She was my best friend.
I’m going to miss my current job. But my company was acquired, and now I have to move a new city for a great new job. Instead of being excited, I’m sad about the end of this good era. I will view this as an opportunity for growth with God.
Dealing with layoffs, dealing with the death of my father + brother and leaving a toxic relationship
A remote work opportunity that was cancelled because of Covid that would have allowed me to live in 6 countries for 6 months.
The lost of my mother.
The distance separating myself from my girlfriend and the inability to be together right now
Financial stability
Moving away from our community and home
I’m grieving my family’s life in the city.
Missing my family and friends after moving to Chicago
Loss of marriage, tradition, home
My divorce
A 10yr bond with someone I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life
Thankful for the lessons I’ve learned and the season we lived together
Death of grandmother
The love of my life
Ability to be carefree
Friendships from a season I’m no longer in.
Losing De, a great friend and person with a bright future. Gradating college and starting over. Going down different paths from a few very close friends.
Cancer diagnosis that is changing my lifestyle to slow down and address. .
Connection with work and friends that have become family. The loss of that connection or feel of connection.
I’m grieving leaving all my friends behind in junior high as I go on to high school.
The loss of moving from our city soon, ending our journey of being in Chicago and the plan to raise our children here. Also grieving the loss of an aunt and uncle in this past season.
Healthy family dynamics
Relationship with my parents
My parents divorce.
my best friend
Relationship with my brother
Broken relationship with my daughter
Grieving the loss of my expectations in relationships, my grandma and my father.
I am still grieving for the lost of my cousin Ernesto, who died of cancer.
The end of a internship for my dream job
Death of dad
Distance with family
My good friend from high school all of the sudden stopped talking to me a year ago with no explanation. I haven’t heard from him since and that really hurts.
Loss of community and relationships with God-loving people
Wedding we didn’t get to have because of COVID, death of my father-in-law.
Loss of an aunt and uncle during COVID
Job Loss
Missing My Daughter in college
Friend Keith better headspace
Loss of a relationship with my dad and the looming future in which my mom is no longer with us
Loss of a personal relationships with some immediate family members
Loss of my mother
Illness of my sister
Loss of routines of life
The loss of an important relationship and the marriage I always dreamed of having.
Church hurt and betrayal
Death of my father- and mother-in-law
Loss of community in moving to Chicago
Previous job title
Previous cities and homes
Grandparents death
Best friends died and not in my life
Good friend fired
Letting go of expectations.
Missing memories with my mom, my sons brothers, my son’s mother. Grieving the loss of achieving what I thought I would because of the roadblocks.
So many transitions - daughter growing up too fast, relationship w my mom, career challenges, uncertainty of my relationship w my boyfriend.
Truthfully, I’m grieving myself. For the past couple of years, I’ve been battling with the grief of the person I was before. His mistakes, my mistakes, the understanding of it all; the weight and the magnitude of it all. It hurt because I felt what could be lost if it was shared. While withholding it all out of fear, I lost myself and I lost my path.
Alexia'moving out which my mother e helped her do behind my back. Losing regular connection with her. Mike working more and eeking me out of his Life
Loss of a spouse. Loss
my dog
my old friends
my quiet time
Life before motherhood
The loss of my business. The loss of the idea i would be married and have kids by 40. The loss of my ability to be financially independent during by business closing. The loss of myself and sense of identity over the past few years.
Loss of a relationship that I hoped would lead to marriage.
Loss of Peace and love
Staff, funds, vibrant relationship
Moving away from all things I know to be stable - job, community, family.
Mom’s death
I am grieving my fears. A relationship that I thought was forever. Unaccomplished goals. Loved ones. Poor mental health. Things that I cannot control. Seeking acceptance from others.
Lost mum last night, I’m shattered. She was beauty, love and light personified
Forgiving myself, my ex husband
No love for myself
No self esteem
Loss of a marriage
Loss of my sisters, loss of parents, loss of marriage, loss of friendships, loss of career, loss of an era of peace, loss of a legacy, loss of a dream, …..
Loss of two grandparents and uncle
The loss of a marriage I always hoped of having
I’m grieving what I imagine my life would have been like at this time on life. I grieve not being married, not having kids, being single and 42 years old.
Connection with work and friends that have become family. The loss of that connection or feel of connection.
Love you so much mum
Sons physical and mental health
The loss of my mother.
A dream deferred
The loss of relationship with Emma Lily Mason and Sophie
Grieving a miscarriage
The loss of my grandma
Loss of my grandma
loneliness, distance from old friends, shady people
family loss,
Job opportunity, church, and community with friends during COVID,
My dad<3
I’m grieving a miscarriage that I experienced this month. I’m grieving friendships.
Life as I thought it was supposed to be
The loss of two babies. Struggling with infertility for almost 2 years. I desperately want to grow our family but it hasn’t happened for us yet.
Recently found out I’m pregnant, I’m grieving my “normal” life now that it will all change. I’m scared and nervous but I know God is on my side through. That’s the only thing keeping my peace recently
The loss of my dad.
Saying goodbye to my childhood home.
Two failed marriages doesn't make me a failure.
The loss of my dad. I love you so much dad. I think about you every single day. I miss you so much, but I also know that you are always with me.
My son is 12 years old and he is just diagnose with cancer. My husband and I are devastated.
The loss of my brother to suicide and my personal health challenges.
A loss of what felt like part of my identity
A fractured relationship that I just don’t know how to heal
The passing of a season with family that I won’t be able to get back
Losing joy in my job
Husband’s loss of joy in life and work
The life and relationship I thought I’d have.
I’m grieving where we are with our finances and business. We’ve had our business for 7+ years and it continues to grow but we haven’t seen the fruits of it with how hard it feels. Work for both me and my husband is a constant state of striving. God has blessed us with so much to allow us to build to this point but it feel like its been such a roller coaster.
The strained relationship between myself, mom, and Hollyn.
The end of a internship for my dream job
Death of a dream that didn’t come true.
Death of a friendship.
Death of relationship with my brother.
Managing the changes in our family life, as my second child graduates high school and will move out in the Fall. Losing my mother’s mind to Alzheimer’s.
My expectations for my children’s lives
The loss of my marriage
The loss of my Grandfather
The career, moving, and starting over
Losing a loved one & letting go of a relationship.
Mom’s death
I am grieving the time I’ve lost while I’ve been away at school with my family. I feel like I’m being very selfish for coming to chicago.
Not being w/ my family and my cousin dying via zoom. Loss of time with my family i won’t get back.
Losing my job and career via covid.
St. Anne and all the baptisms, all the first communions, and the funerals from that place. All the memories and prayers and the people dispersed in this world and the next. Amen
The loss of a job. The struggle to get a new job.
I’m grieving what I imagine my life would have been like at this time on life. I grieve not being married, not having kids, being single and 42 years old.
I felt a since of disconnect in the last season due to a decision I made.
Leaving my current house, neighborhood, and lifestyle
I’m grieving the loss of my career and job. It was a role that I truly enjoyed because it was helping others in a company whose mission I was believed in. I know that this is a new beginning and I ask to continue to guide me as I navigate through this rough patch in my life and mind.
I’m continuing to grieve the loss of a friendship that ended in a bad falling out. We were close for years and years and then fell out in 2017. I did everything I could to save it but she didn’t want to. So, I’m gonna see her soon again at an event and I’m remembering the good times (I miss her laughter most) and the ugly break up. And, it all still hurts. 😞
Grieving my daddy and my fur baby Winston
I lost my little brother Scott to fentanyl 3 years ago and just yesterday I had a complete meltdown of grief, just missing him. This message was everything I needed today. Thank you. ❤️
Not having my mom around while she underwent chemo
Continued grief from the sudden loss of both parents.
Grieving for my friends who are going through difficult seasons, grieving the murder of my family member which has not been solved 5 years later, grieving and giving to God expectations I had for myself.
Death of two grandparents and uncle.
I have come to terms that I may never find my soul mate, I may never get married, & I may never have my own children.
The sudden and unexpected loss of my father
Death of mother in law
My grandma.
Not being able to share the kids major MILESTONES with my dad.
I am so grateful to God for the years we had.
I just wish he could see THESE years of their lives.
Nate ‘The Great’ Byrne
A quick message for those joining us in person this weekend:
Recently, the CDC shared new guidelines for wearing face masks in public and in indoor settings to promote safety in areas with substantial risks of transmission. Therefore, we are requiring that masks are worn while in the building on Sundays.
We are continuously reviewing the CDC guidelines and what our next steps will be – as your safety remains our priority.