Day 2

"On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple courts and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves"

When Jesus stormed into the Temple, he wasn’t just overturning tables, he was overturning expectations. The temple was the place where the presence of God resided. And traditionally, it was only a place for those who belonged to the “IN CROWD”. And those who didn’t make it on the “IN LIST” were piously and prejudiciously precluded from ever even taking part. But Jesus claimed that He was opening up access for all of God’s people into all of God’s presence.

Today, remember that the Kingdom of God has been opened up to everyone. Even in this season. Even to the people you might not think deserve it. Even to the people you might not like very much. Even to people you will never know. And be encouraged that through a transforming relationship with Jesus, God’s presence has been opened up…even to you. Right here. Right now. Right as you are.

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If grace isn’t for everyone…then it’s for no one.


Jesus, I invite you to turn over any tables of prejudice in my life. Remind me that the riches of your Kingdom are open and available to all, even to those who I may consider “others”. Thank you, Jesus that you have made your Kingdom available to “them”…and to me. Help me to become more aware of your presence this week even as I am sheltering at home. Amen.

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Sunday through Thursday, from 9a – 9p, Pastoral Care is just a phone call away.

Reach out to us at 312-252-3062.

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Hey Soul City!

A quick message for those joining us in person this weekend:

Recently, the CDC shared new guidelines for wearing face masks in public and in indoor settings to promote safety in areas with substantial risks of transmission. Therefore, we are requiring that masks are worn while in the building on Sundays.

We are continuously reviewing the CDC guidelines and what our next steps will be – as your safety remains our priority.

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