Finance & Giving

Here at Soul City, we are committed to excellence in safeguarding and stewarding the generous resources given to Soul City Church. see below to find our financial reports and ways to give!

Ways to Give


Goodness is God’s heart towards us. Gratitude is our response to Him.

Mobile Phone

The easiest way for you to give is through the Pushpay App.


Soul City Church
1150 W. Adams
Chicago IL 60607

Non-Cash Gifts

Non-Cash gifts like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or cars

Have questions?

Welcome to Soul City!

At Soul City Church, we believe that while we may not have all that we want, we do have more than we need, and giving is our joyful response to all that God has provided. We are so appreciative of your continued support and generosity!

Giving is our joyful response to all that God has provided. We are available to answer any questions you may have related to giving, Monday through Friday 9AM to 5PM. 

Happening in Giving

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Finance FAQ

We believe that every resource we have is a gift from God and that it is our job to steward those resources well. Money is a tool we use to help us accomplish the mission we feel God gave us of leading people into a transforming relationship with Jesus.

Yes, we have a budget! We strongly believe that having a plan is crucial to fiscal responsibility and wise stewardship of resources. Our budget is created annually based on each ministry area’s goals and the costs associated with those goals. These goals and costs are submitted to our Executive Leadership Team, where a first round of feedback is given. After that the budget is submitted to the Stewardship Team and Elders for further feedback and ultimately final approval.

In the Bible a tithe is 10% of a person’s income. The idea behind the tithe is that we give our first and best to God recognizing that it all came from Him in the first place, so it is an act of gratitude and trust to give a portion of it back to Him.

At Soul City we often talk about the idea of “grippers, tippers and givers.” Grippers are people who hold tight to their resources, not trusting that God will take care of their needs. Tippers are people who give sporadically and without a plan in place, almost like throwing God a little something when things are going well. Givers are people who take Paul’s challenge in 2 Corinthians seriously and have prayerfully considered what God is asking them to give; they regularly and sacrificially give a percentage of their income – whether that’s 10% or not. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 CORINTHIANS 9:7 Our prayer is that everyone who calls Soul City Church home would become a Giver in the sense that they pray about a plan and stick to it. We believe this is the best way to grow in your transformation journey with Jesus. The tithe (10%) is a helpful benchmark, but we believe that what God is really after is your heart. Do you trust Him to provide all that you need?

Soul City’s General Fund is what fuels everything you’ve come to know and love about Soul City Church from Sunday Gatherings to Soul City Kids & Students to Small Groups to our Love Works community partnerships. Also, this fund is what keeps the place running by covering our operational expenses and infrastructure. It’s how we pay the bills. A strong General Fund allows us to actively pursue our mission of leading more people into a transforming relationship with Jesus, and this is where we encourage people to start their giving to Soul City.

At Soul City we commit to maintaining high standards of financial integrity through internal control systems and an annual audit conducted by CapinCrouse LLP. If you have questions about Soul City’s financial practices, please email

We survey similar churches across the country to see what a similar staff position pays. Then we weigh in the cost of living in Chicago. Across the board, our staff compensation is in line with comparably-sized churches.

Pastoral Care

When life gets hard, our Pastoral Care team is available to talk and pray.

Sunday through Thursday, from 9a – 9p, Pastoral Care is just a phone call away.

Reach out to us at 312-252-3062.

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Hey Soul City!

A quick message for those joining us in person this weekend:

Recently, the CDC shared new guidelines for wearing face masks in public and in indoor settings to promote safety in areas with substantial risks of transmission. Therefore, we are requiring that masks are worn while in the building on Sundays.

We are continuously reviewing the CDC guidelines and what our next steps will be – as your safety remains our priority.

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