Jesus had a complicated relationship with the religious leaders of his day. Specifically, because they were often more concerned with getting the answer they wanted to hear, rather than hearing and believing what Jesus was actually saying.
We often do the same thing. We try to force Jesus into our timelines, demands, and agendas. By doing so, we can completely miss the life-giving truth He has to offer. The reality is, Jesus is so much more and so much bigger and so much better than we could ever imagine. His teachings and His ways, as challenging as they may be, are the truth that leads to transformation. This week can you open yourself up and lean into the transforming truth of Jesus, however challenging it might be?
Jesus, Forgive me for being more concerned with my preoccupations than I am with your presence. Speak your transforming truth to me and about me that I am unable or even unwilling to see. Help me to not only trust, but to rest in the reality of your authority. Help me come to you with all of who I am as you come to me with all of who you are. Amen